
7 Ways to Sort Data in Google Sheets

Sorting data in Google Sheets is a common task that can help organize and analyze it. There are multiple ways to order data in Google Sheets, each suitable for different scenarios:

Sort data without functions
     1. Sort Whole Sheet
     2. Sort Selected Range
     3. Advanced Sort of Selected Range
     4. Sort with a Filter
     5. Sort with a Filter View
Sort data with functions
     6. SORT Function
     7. QUERY Function

Using these techniques you can sort by date, alphabet, and number. The advanced sort and SORT / QUERY functions also allow you to sort by multiple columns at the same time.

Before sorting the data using any technique, ensure that the data is properly formatted. Most importantly, format dates as dates and numbers as numbers. Otherwise, if some cells in a row are in different formats, they will be sorted differently. For example, the sort order of 9 and 10 will differ depending on whether they are formatted as numbers or plain text.

Sort Without Functions

You can quickly sort data in Google Sheets without functions. It is a good choice when the data is static and you do not expect it to change.

1. Sort the Whole Sheet

To sort the whole sheet by one column, follow these steps:

  1. Put your cursor in the column you want to sort the sheet by or select the whole column.
  2. Open Main Menu -> Data -> Sort sheet -> Sort sheet by column ... (A to Z) or (Z to A).
    Sort the whole sheet via the main menu
    Sort the whole sheet via the main menu
    You can do the same by selecting the whole column and right-clicking or by hovering over the column title and clicking on the triangle that appears there:
    Column header button
    Column header button
    Then select either of the options to sort the sheet:
    Sort via the context menu
    Sort via the context menu

The sorting will change the header row(s) position if your data has headers. To avoid this, use this lifehack to freeze the header row.

2. Sort a Selected Range

You can sort a selected range separately from the rest of the sheet. This method works well if you have several data sets on a sheet and want to sort only one.

  1. Select the range you want to sort.
  2. Open Main Menu -> Data -> Sort range -> Sort sheet by column ... (A to Z) or (Z to A).
    Sort a range via the main menu
    Sort a range via the main menu

To avoid messing up the header row(s) when sorting a range, you can either: (a) do not select the header on step 1, or (b) use this lifehack to freeze rows.

3. Advanced Sort and Sort with Multiple Criteria

Google Sheets also allows us to sort a range by multiple criteria (advanced sort). If you select all of it, the sort will apply to the whole sheet.

  1. Select the range you want to sort.
  2. Open Main Menu -> Data -> Sort range -> Advanced range sorting options.
    Open the advanced sort via the main menu
    Open the advanced sort via the main menu
    You will see an interface of the advanced sort:
    Advanced sort modal window
    Advanced sort modal window
  3. Check Data has header row (if applicable). It will make selecting the proper columns easier and keep the header row in place.
  4. Select the columns by which you need to sort the data and choose the order.
    Sorting by multiple columns with the advanced sort
    Sorting by multiple columns with the advanced sort
  5. Click Sort

Advanced sort is a powerful feature that allows you to arrange the data in any order you want.

4. Sort with a Filter

You can sort the data using a Filter.

  1. Create a filter if you do not have one already:
    1. Select the columns by which you need to sort the data, or do not select anything if you want the filter to apply to the whole sheet.
    2. Click Main Menu -> Data -> Create a filter
      Create a filter via the main menu
      Create a filter via the main menu
      or use the toolbox:
      Create a filter via the toolbox
      Create a filter via the toolbox
  2. Open the header’s menu and select Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A:
    Sort via the filter menu
    Sort via the filter menu

In all other aspects this method is equivalent to sorting a range or sheet by a given column.

Filters and filter views also allow you to sort by the color of cells’ text or background (fill).

5. Sort with a Filter View

These are the steps to sort data in a filter view:

  1. Create a filter view if you do not have one already:
    1. Select the columns you need to sort by, or do not select anything if you want the filter to apply to the whole sheet.
    2. Click Main Menu -> Data -> Filter views -> Create new filter view
      Create a filter view via the main menu
      Create a filter view via the main menu
      or use the toolbox:
      Create a filter view via the toolbox
      Create a filter view via the toolbox
  2. Activate the filter view (if it is not active already).
  3. Open the header’s menu by clicking the green triangle on the right side of the column header and select Sort A to Z or Sort Z to A.
    Sort via the filter view menu
    Sort via the filter view menu

This method is similar to sorting by with a regular filter, with one crucial difference: the changes do not affect the data and are only visible while the filter view is active. It works well for experiments, and when multiple people work on one document and you do not want to interfere with each other.

Sorting With Functions

Sorting with functions works great when you expect the data to change. Google Sheets provides several powerful functions for sorting data.

6. SORT Function

SORT is the most straightforward function to sort data (documentation ):


The SORT function accepts the following arguments:

  1. The range you need to sort. If you provide only this argument, the function will sort it by the first column in ascending order.
  2. The column you need to sort by, either:
    • the sequential number of a column in the range, or
    • the column outside of the range. It must have the same number of rows as the range.
  3. The sorting order:
    • 1 or true for ascending,
    • 0 or false for descending.

To order by multiple columns pass several pairs of a column and order arguments.

Do not pass the header row(s) to SORT: it will be sorted together with all other data.


  • Sort by the first column of the data range in ascending order:
    =SORT(A2:D100), equivalent to =SORT(A2:D100, 1, true)
  • Sort by the second column in the range in descending order:
    =SORT(A2:D100, 2, false)
  • Sort by multiple columns in different orders:
    =SORT(A2:D100, 1, false, 2, true, 4, true)
  • Sort by an external column:
    =SORT(A2:D100, E2:E100, false)

Google Sheets also supports the SORTN function, which, in addition to sorting, can limit the output to a given number of columns and can take into account relations between the rows (documentation ).

7. QUERY Function

You can easily sort data with the QUERY function, including complex sorting by multiple columns (documentation ). Compared to the SORT function above, QUERY has a distinct advantage: it can preserve the header rows in place.


The function accepts three arguments:

  1. The range can be a reference to a range or a constructed array of values.
  2. The query with SQL-like syntax. If you do not provide a query, the function will return the data as is.
  3. The number of header rows (optional) indicates many header rows the data has. If not set or set to -1, the function will try to guess.

Set the number of header rows anyway. QUERY does a great job of guessing the number, but sometimes it can be wrong, and since the function works with dynamic data, it can happen when you are not looking.

The complete query syntax is outside the scope of this guide. These are the basics of the query syntax for sorting data. The query consists of several sections:

  1. SELECT (required): list the columns you want to see in the output or * for all columns. In most cases, you can refer to the columns either by their letters (A) or their sequential number in the range (Col1).
  2. WHERE: conditions to filter data. If not provided, QUERY will output all data.
  3. ORDER BY <column_name> [ ASC | DESC ], [ <column_name_2> [ ASC | DESC ], …]: how to order the data. The default order is ASCending if you do not specify otherwise.

Here are some examples of how to sort data with the QUERY function (assuming that the data is in Data!A:D):

  • Sort by the first column in descending order:
    =QUERY(Data!A:D, "SELECT * ORDER BY A DESC", 1) or
    =QUERY(Data!A:D, "SELECT * ORDER BY Col1 DESC", 1) with the sequential column notation.
  • Sort by the first and second columns in ascending and descending order respectively, and then output only columns A, B, and C.
    =QUERY(Data!A:D, "SELECT A, B, C ORDER BY A ASC, B DESC", 1) or =QUERY(Data!A:D, "SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 ORDER BY Col1 ASC, Col2 DESC") with the sequential column notation.

Selecting the appropriate method depends on the specific needs of your task, such as whether you need a dynamic solution that updates automatically (like the SORT and QUERY functions) or a manual method that offers immediate, straightforward sorting (like using the menu options or filters).